

Hidden Bedford
experience the place you live in new ways..

Hidden Bedford is a place to discover new things about the place we live and experience it in new ways. From ancient history to the present day we plan to highlight the lesser known features of the town and create alternative portraits of Bedford. Hidden Bedford is about discovering new things and sharing those experiences. Bedford is a town that holds tremendous variety so experiences that are familiar and everyday to you may be completely unknown to others. As individuals we often experience our town in quite narrow ways. However, if we all share our Hidden Bedford experiences we can broaden everyones experience of Bedford.

There are six Hidden Bedford themes that we plan to explore though events, walks, talks and all sorts of other shared experiences.
Have a look at our Flickr group pool.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

If you have some unusual shots of Bedford, why not add them ? If you geotag them on Flickr  we can add them to a map. Follow the hashtag #hiddenbedford  on Twitter and see what others have posted. If you have a Hidden Bedford experience to add, just use the #hiddenbedford hashtag. 

Keep an eye on the blog for all the latest #hiddenbedford news, upcoming events and new stories.